"Sunshine provides an open and safe space for her clients and workshop attendees to look into a deeper place within. She has a loving and encouraging way of providing insights in discovering the blocks or the aha’s."

-Elaine Chick, Elaine Chick Management Consulting

Hi, I’m Sunshine

I have owned Inspiral Iridology for 35 years. I specialize in helping women obtain peace, freedom and exuberant health by getting to the root cause of physical and emotional pain.

I'm excited to bring my coaching and workshop content to these courses and help even more women live a more sacred life.

Let’s add, I very much enjoy bringing awareness into people’s lives so they can have better experiences with their families, businesses and friends. The tools I teach enhance every part of their journey and have a ripple effect where there are more responses rather than reactions, which brings in such deep joy!